When it comes to your genealogy education, do you ever think “I really need to get around to it.” Well, now’s the time! Vivid-Pix announces their “Round Tuit!” educational programs. Here’s what you need to know.
Vivid-Pix, a company first dedicated to providing software to improve and organize your photos, is branching out further to provide free and low-cost online family history genealogy activities for quarantined adults, kids, and families.
Free and $1.99 online programs are available at Vivid-Pix Education. Classes are all online and taught by the world’s most respected historians, genealogists, DNA researchers, lawyers, PBS & Travel Channel genealogy researchers, immigration experts, and more!
Why now?
The Vivid-Pix Round Tuit! site at https://vivid-pix.com/education helps:
- Individuals and Families provide interesting, entertaining, and educational activities during long hours indoors.
- Libraries to serve their communities with online programming and education.
- Churches/Community Centers, congregations, church missions, and community services to continue to be served.
- Societies to continue to communicate with members who are unable to meet.
- Businesses and Speakers whose conferences and meetings have been cancelled.
Vivid-Pix Round Tuit! Line-up
Tune in each Tuesday and Friday at 8 pm Eastern Time for a new online LIVE event. Be sure to register ahead of time by clicking on the hyperlinked class below. If you miss a LIVE event, no problem…you can register and watch the recording!
- April 3 – Katherine Willson, Social Media Genealogy: Topic – Genealogy on Facebook. Willson is a dynamic genealogy lecturer at national conferences and author of The Genealogist’s Guide to Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- April 7 – Pat Erickson & Russ Worthington of Dear Myrtle Blog: Topic – Zoom Conferencing. Erickson and Worthington are educators and prolific writers of the award-winning top 5 family history DearMYRTLE Genealogy Blog, The Organized Genealogist Facebook Group, YouTube channel, and Google+ genealogy community.
- April 10 – Judy Russell, Legal Genealogist: Topic – The Law and a Reasonably Exhaustive Search. Russell is a leading genealogist with a law degree who writes and lectures on topics ranging from using court records in family history to understanding DNA testing.
- April 14 – Kenyatta D. Berry: Topic – African American Genealogy. Berry is Host, Genealogy Roadshow (PBS), author of The Family Tree Toolkit, 2019 Honorary Chair for Preservation Week and contributor to The New York Times “1619 Project.”
- April 17 – Miyamoto Loretta Jensen: Topic – Polynesian and Pacific Isles Genealogy. A 2018 BYU graduate, Miya is a young professional genealogist who emphasizes her research in Polynesian family history and genealogy.
- April 21 – David Ryan (MA DIPGEN): Topic – Irish Genealogy. Ryan is a genealogist and oral historian based in Cork City, Ireland, who has worked as a professional genealogist for the past six years as a researcher with the Cork Folklore Project, a community based oral history project in Cork City.
- April 24 – Blaine Bettinger, The Genetic Genealogist: Topic – Genetic Genealogy. Bettinger examines the intersection of traditional genealogical techniques and modern genetic research, known as “genetic genealogy.”
- April 28 – Rich Venezia, Rich Roots Genealogy: Topic – Immigration Records. Venezia is an expert in 20th century immigrant research and a nationally-recognized genealogist and lecturer, former researcher for PBS’ “Genealogy Roadshow” and The Travel Channel’s “Follow Your Past.”
- May 1 – Katherine Schober, SK Translations:Topic – German Genealogy. As a St. Louis native with German ancestry and a love for languages, Schober earned both her Bachelor and Master Degree’s in German and is a German-English translator with a focus on genealogy.
- May 5 – Kirsty Gray, Family Wise Limited: Topic – British Genealogy. One of the leading genealogists in the UK and the only UK genealogy firm with a High Street presence. Gray leads a large team of genealogists who provide expert guidance on family history matters from adoption and DNA, legal/probate research, and more, as well as lecturing the world over.
- May 8 – Diahan Southard, Your DNA Guide: Topic – DNA. A microbiologist for the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation, Southard created a correlated genetic and genealogical database.
- May 12 – Peggy Lauritzen: Topic – Migration Trails to Ohio. A former Family History Director, she is a frequent speaker at genealogical societies, workshops, seminars, and webinars, including The Ohio Genealogical Society, The Ohio State University, and Brigham Young University.
- May 15 – Amie Bowser Tennant, The Genealogy Reporter: Topic – State Census Records. Tennant is a professional genealogist, internationally known speaker, and writer for NGS Magazine, the Ohio Genealogical Society News, OGS Quarterly, and Legacy News.
- May 19 – Rick Voight, Vivid-Pix: Topic – Restoring Old Photos and Documents. Voight is a lifelong snapshooter and photography visionary in the imaging business for decades with leading photography companies, such as Vivid-Pix, Hewlett-Packard, and Kodak.
- May 22 – Maureen Taylor, The Photo Detective®: Topic – Photo Organization. Maureen Taylor, The Photo Detective, is an internationally renowned expert in historic photo identification, preservation, and genealogical research.
Don’t delay! Pop over to the Vivid-Pix Education page and start getting around to your genealogy education!
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