RootsTech 2019 is right around the corner and we are getting excited! Here’s a fun post I call “The RootsTech Prayer.” I hope it inspires you to attend RootsTech this year or in the future…it’s a blast!
The RootsTech Prayer
By: Amie Bowser Tennant
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my health to keep.
It’s off to RootsTech, I do go,
With pencils and pens and more in stow.
Please grant my legs to be swift indeed,
When rushing through the Palace, I do plead.
Please let me get through the registration,
And make it quickly to my first destination.
Will you give me wisdom to seek the best classes,
And grant me patience to navigate the masses?
Please lead me to connect with many others,
And meet up with cousins, and sisters, and brothers.
Now Lord, when it comes to the large Expo Hall,
Please help me, bless me, NOT TO FALL!
Direct my paths to the best advice,
And please could I win a cool device?
Lastly, will you help me to feel I belong,
And all the others within the throng.
Bless Steve and Jen Allen and the whole RootsTech crew,
They’ve got a lot on their shoulders, help them know what to do.
Remind me, Dear Lord, to be polite
Even when things aren’t going quite right.
There’s so much to do and see and say,
I want to experience it all and this I pray!
RootsTech is the largest genealogy and family history conference in the world. Located in Salt Lake City, Utah, RootsTech offers education, labs, vendors, and entertainment to all who love genealogy. RootsTech 2019 will be held February 27th thru March 2nd at the Salt Palace. Click here to register or learn more about live streaming of the event.
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