AncestryDNA test kit is on sale now for $59 through 18 March 2019 for St. Patrick’s Day! That’s a 40% savings…aren’t you lucky!
Don’t delay purchasing your AncestryDNA kit for $59. [Sale price does not include sales tax and shipping] This offer is good now through March 18th [U.S. only]. And, you might consider buying more than one. Why? Genetic genealogists are learning more and more about the advantages of having multiple people in the family tested. It is especially helpful for those difficult brick wall cases.
What Can You Expect From Your AncestryDNA Kit & Test Results
An AncestryDNA test kit comes with a small tube that the tester will spit into. Once the saliva is collected in the special tube provided, you will send it off in the pre-paid envelope the kit includes. Waiting is the hard part. In about 6 to 8 weeks, you will be notified by email that your results are ready. Instructions will be given to log in to the website to see your result reports.
AncestryDNA just recently announced some new features and tools. Read all about them, here. But in a nutshell, the your test results will include:
- An ethnicity breakdown
- A cousin match list that you can sort and organize anyway you want
- Color coding and custom labeling of your DNA matches
- Access to new ThruLines feature*
*Free access to ThruLines is available only for a limited time to customers who have their DNA results linked to a public or searchable family tree and those who have at least 3 to 4 generations back on each of their lines. A recent press release from Ancestry said, “Qualifying customers can access this feature from the AncestryDNA logged-in home page. This feature will also be highlighted on our landing page.”
So, don’t put off your pot of gold! Learn what your DNA says about you!
Read more about DNA testing for genealogy purposes:
Why Your DNA Results Didn’t Show Your Native American Ancestry
Different DNA Tests for Different Purposes: Which Do You Need?
Three Tips for Finding Your Birth Family
The Genealogy Reporter has entered into an affiliate relationship with AncestryDNA. Clicking on the links provided may result in a commission being paid to The Genealogy Reporter at no additional cost to you.
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